Saturday, May 13, 2023

Message to My Mamá on Mother's Day

 By Roy Ortega

Hola, mi querida mamá,

Como estas? On this Mother's Day, I want to spend a few moments with you to express my love and share my thoughts of you since you left us so many years ago. We all miss you so much and our hearts ache for your absence. It is an ache that never goes away. But as you taught us, we will endure. 

First, I want to thank you for the legacy you left behind. It is a legacy of love and compassion that continues to shape your children's, and grandchildren's lives. Your love and nurturing helped us understand the importance of compassion, kindness and love for others. It is a legacy we promise will be handed down interminably. 

We miss you not just for your absence among us but for the little things and big things we remember. Hearing the soft shuffle of your feet in the kitchen in the early morning hours as you prepared our breakfast of bean and cheese tacos, chorizo con huevo and fresh made tortillas is a sound that remains deeply ingrained in my memory. Hearing your voice gently nudging us to wake up to go to school; "Levantesen, hijos. Se les haces tarde." Wake up children, it's getting late.

Mamá, amid the wave of sentimental memories of you, there are some things I wish would have been true when you still lived among us. If cell phones and the internet had existed back then, I would have been able to ease your constant worry and concern about my safety and well-being as I set out into the world on my own. I know you missed me and cried every day for me. I know that there were times when you were nearly paralyzed with worry and concern for me as I worked and traveled in faraway places. I know you waited anxiously for my Sunday morning telephone calls. I wish I had not brought you so much worry and pain. The heartbreaking image of you standing at the front door tearfully waving goodbye to me after a short visit still makes me cry. Ultimately, I know you accepted it all with pride for all of the success you helped me achieve in life.

Mamá, you carried a special burden for all of your children and grandchildren. I know you are proud and happy for me and Jo Anne for raising such a fine family. But in the end, you should know that I will always feel your love. I will remain forever grateful to you for my life and for loving me endlessly. 

Mi querida mamá, siempre te adoraré. Feliz día de las madres. 

My mother, Rebecca Ramos Ortega, passed away on January 4, 2003. If you wish to comment, please email me at