Sunday, June 30, 2024

Religion. Again.

 By Roy Ortega

As a non-religious person, I am often asked to explain why I choose to be an atheist. I feel compelled once again to clarify my position. I have never said I was an atheist. True, I don't believe in religion. I parted ways with Christianity (and all religion) almost three decades ago. But does that make me an atheist? You tell me. How do you define the word "atheist?"  

If you ask me if I believe in God, well, that's another discussion altogether. My answer is that I don't know if God exists. No one alive knows. But many people do believe there's a god and that's fine. That's what we call faith. People are free to believe whatever they want as long as they don't harm anyone else. Most of the religious folks in my friend and family circle are good and decent people. Sadly, the history of religion is full of violence and acts of unspeakable cruelty against others, especially against non-believers.   

But please allow me to dispel some misconceptions about being a non-believer:

  • I don't hate your god.
  • I don't worship a devil or a devilish figure.
  • I don't lack faith in humanity. To the contrary.
  • I don't eat babies.
  • I don't have any shortage of love, caring and compassion for others.
  • I don't lack morality. My moral compass points in the right direction.
  • I don't feel something is missing from my life.
  • I don't lack spirituality. My spirituality is strong and fully intact.
  • I don't wish harm on anyone.
  • I don't believe we came from nothing.
  • I don't denigrate good religious people.
  • I don't think your holy book (Bible) is a bad book, necessarily. There are a few good things in it. 
  • I don't dismiss the Book of Deuteronomy, either. But others need it more than I do.  
  • I don't believe I am doomed to hellfire and damnation for not believing as you do.
  • I don't spend much of my time thinking about what happens when my life is over.
  • I don't feel offended if you pray for me. It tells me you're thinking of me, and I deeply appreciate it.
I hope this clears up a few things about non-religious people like me. 

Roy Ortega may be reached at Your comments, criticisms and praises are welcome.